Saturday 31 March 2007

The Siren's Call

The Siren's Call is a song that lured unwary sailors onto the rocks in mythology. For me, it's the habitual belief that everything has to be hard, which lures me onto the 'rocks' of making things difficult for myself. I've been dashed on the rocks by this belief hundreds of times over my lifetime, and I am only now starting to get a handle on it.

Sometimes, I can even see the sirens before they start to sing, and shove cotton wool in my ears (or look for something more positive to listen to). Many times, I see the sirens just as I am about to reach the rocks...too late! Occasionally, I lie on the rocks, being battered by the tides for a while before I realise what the sirens have done.

Every time I hear the siren's call, I learn more about resisting their my natural way. Which is largely to laugh at it. I know it doesn't help me to make things hard, I know it's counterproductive...and I also know that being hard on myself for being 'taken in' by the siren's call is another manifestation of 'making it hard'. HA! I'm not gonna fall for that one!

How about you? What is your siren's call? What is that belief that always lures you back onto the rocks? We'd love to hear from you.



Tuesday 20 March 2007

What Is Working?

When you are doing your marketing, do you notice what is working? Do you monitor your results? I know it sounds obvious, but I had an epiphany this afternoon - I was sluggishly and begrudgingly doing some marketing when I had a blinding flash of inspiration...does this marketing activity work? Now bear in mind that I have been doing this particular thing for 2 years.

No. It does not work. Not one of my clients has (ever) come from this particular marketing activity! It's a very good idea, I like the structure of it and I know it works for others...but it's not me. It's not my natural way. And it doesn't work! (for me) Oh dear. You'd think that after 2 years I'd be a bit disappointed in myself for not having noticed before but actually I am rather delighted. I don't ever have to do this thing again. And I'm hugely amused that I've kept doing it (begrudgingly) for all this time for no good reason.

If you want to review your marketing activities, here's how I did it (bearing in mind that this is YOUR natural way, this process might not work for you). I listed the marketing activities I take part in - website, networking, newsletters, blogs etc and then I asked is it fun? Is it easy? Is it working? I am only keeping on those activities that tick 2 out of the 3.

So, what's working for you?



Tuesday 13 March 2007

Finding what works best

I came to Your Natural Way by deciding to help Damien with his world vision for improving the client getting ability of the coaching community. His heartfelt, passionate 'dammit this is just plain wrong, all these coaches and all this need in the world and they aren't getting hooked up', stirred me into action. So here I am. And very happy for it. :-)

Monday 12 March 2007

DonnaOnTheBeach - What I love most about YNW

Quite aside from the fact that 'Your Natural Way to get Clients' saved my business life, I love that discovering my natural way is a lifelong process that just gets easier and more fun as time goes by. I love the permission it gives me and others to do things our way - to be who we are even if that doesn't fit with how it 'should' be. I've never been one to follow the herd, and the support and encouragement I've had from the YNW'ers has been immense and life changing.

I love the change that has come over me since YNW discovered me - from a homoge-coach (just like all the rest) with no clients who hated being in business to an authentic leader with clients and opportunities who loves the challenges and growth that arise from building a business. It's been some journey!

I'm looking forward to sharing more of it in this blog...



Friday 9 March 2007


Hi folks!

Welcome to the Your Natural Way blog. Here is a place where we will be exploring what it means to live in your natural way - the easier, more fun and more successful way to live! We will be bringing you our stories, our insights, our news and the fun we've had exploring being 'natural'.

We would love for you to get in touch with us, post comments and enjoy the Your Natural Way blog.

With much love
