Tuesday 19 June 2007

Through a Your Natural Way lens

The thing about Your Natural Way that I love most is the thing that frightens a lot of people. It's the idea that I know best for me. This appeals to me most because I hate and detest being told what to do...I have done since I was about 2 years old. So the idea that it is up to me is liberating and freeing.

But for some, it is a scary idea...and seems to contain a paradox. How can I know what is best for me if I don't know anything about getting clients? The answer is simple - learn through a Your Natural Way lens - take what you are 'told' is the 'right' way to get clients and put your own spin on it. What resonates for you? What makes sense to you? What makes no sense at all to you?!

Trust that you DO know what's best for you, even if you are yet to learn what it is.



Monday 18 June 2007

How to inhibit Your Natural Way

If it is true that we are all unique, that we all have our own natural way, then comparison is not only useless, but a potential inhibitor of this precious thing that is you. Because nobody else has the same unique view of the world that you do, comparing yourself to another is like comparing soap and apples. Every part of you is wonderful, and by comparison we (usually) decide that something we do (or don’t do) is wrong.

This approach does not sound too clever!!!!

The faster you can appreciate that you are truly one of a kind, the faster you will realise that it is impossible for you to do something wrong…unless you are trying to be something you are not.

When you are fully yourself - your real, magnificent, divine self – you are incomparable.

If you ever feel like comparing yourself to anyone, then why not make a fair comparison… compare yourself to yourself and tell yourself how great you are!!!??!

Thursday 14 June 2007

Updating your In Service Of

Do you know why you do what you do? Do you know what prompted you to get into the field you are in? Do you know what drives your every decision in business and in life?

That's what your in service of gives you.

Mine got updated today to "By being fully shining brilliance, I awaken joy, love and passion."

Ooooh...feel that heartbeat of the world pulse? Yep, it's going to pulse for you too.



Wednesday 13 June 2007

If I trusted...

If I trusted that I knew exactly what I was doing in my business, what could change for me?

Well, for me it would take away some of the stress, the need to justify myself and my actions to others, I could allow my working day to be more fun than serious, and I could finish my working day earlier!

What would change for you?



Tuesday 12 June 2007

Acceptance Like the Rose

When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice that it is small, but we do not criticize it as ‘rootless and stemless’.

We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed.

When it first shoots up out of the earth we don’t condemn it as immature and underdeveloped; nor do we criticize the buds for not being open when they first appear.

We stand in wonder at the process that is taking place and give the plant the care it needs at each stage of its development.

The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change; yet at each stage, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is.
Galway, Inner Tennis

How do you treat the seeds in your client garden??

Friday 8 June 2007

The best four letter word in the world


What could change for you if you were willing to let it be easy?



Wednesday 6 June 2007

Last call for the next intermediate course

More clients, more easily, in a more natural way…

Sound good? The Your Natural Way to Get Clients™ Intermediate Group Experience will help you to grow your client base – by a guaranteed 100% in 6 months. How? By showing you Your Natural Way to Get Clients – how you can get clients more easily, in your own way, just by being yourself.

Compellingly yourself
Attractively yourself
And enjoying the process of client getting far more than you ever have

Join Damien Churton PCC, and Penny Waite, Energy specialist for a 6 month course that will change your business…and possibly your life.

“If you want to explore your beliefs and find out who you want to work with, this is the place to be! Damien’s excellent coaching combined with Penny’s energy work through her exciting tapping exercises will give you a great insight on how to create reality in a way that feels effortless and natural to you. Creating what you truly want is what this training is all about, and great it truly is. Thank you both for a great experience.” DP

“I am highly recommending Penny Waite. The energy work we did today left me walking 10 feet taller, and having had a really good laugh at some utterly ridiculous beliefs that have been holding me back. If you feel stuck energetically, check out Penny’s work” DH

What will be covered?
100% Growth: What is that to you, specifically?
Being Yourself: Who are you when you are at your most compelling and attractive?
Beliefs: Penny will show you a quick and powerful way to dump those beliefs that are in the way of you having the clients you desire
Meeting People and Building Connections: To get more clients, you need to meet some people…but you can do it YOUR way (and have fun in the process!)
In Service Of: You got into business for a reason – get connected to that reason, and get some rocket fuel for your business!
Deepening Connection and Staying in Touch: How many potential clients get lost because you haven’t kept in touch with them?
Ripeness: How do you know whether you should ask someone to be a client or just keep in touch with them? Find out.
Trust and…: You really do know best when it comes to you and your business. Learn to get in touch with that inner knowing.
Who you want to work with and on what: This is not the usual ‘niching’ conversation. This is a fun and powerful process that will connect you with your ideal clients so you can recognize them when you meet…and your network will be able to find them for you too.
Integration: Taking this material forward. Your Natural Way is a lifelong process that will help you to enjoy your business and your life – you won’t want to stop!

How much will it cost?
£125 pcm for 6 months (£750 in total)
Payment plans available – please enquire with Nicola as below
Course starts Monday 11th June

What to do next?
If you are interested or curious about this particular format of Your Natural Way to get clients™, click here to read a more in depth description, or email Nicola, and she will arrange for you to have a chat with one of our leaders to discuss how appropriate this product may be for you, and to answer any questions you may have. We speak to every potential participant for this course, as we like to make sure that they are going to be suited to the material, so that we can maintain our guarantee of you growing your business by 100% while you are working with us.


The team at
Your Natural Way

Monday 4 June 2007

No Rules

I posted this quote on my blog the other day, then realised it is enormously relevant to Your Natural Way.

"Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something." Thomas A Edison

No rules. You can do it your own way. You are trying to accomplish something - getting more of your clients in your own business - what is possible when you throw away the 'should book' the 'must book' and the 'someone else did this book' and make up your own rules?



Friday 1 June 2007

Experiments cannot fail

One of the key concepts of Your Natural Way to Get Clients (TM) is Experimentation. How can you know what is Your Natural Way if you do not experiment? Through experimentation I discovered that going to Networking events in order to give my card to hundreds of people and be very serious and sensible is NOT my Natural Way. I learnt that going to interesting events for themselves, and meeting people as an added bonus, building relationships and having a laugh IS my Natural Way.

I would never have discovered the second piece if I had not experimented - with different networking groups/events, with my intentions, with my behaviour. Funnily enough, when I put on the 'Coach-suit' (pants outside my trousers, bizarre 'serious' attitude), I am not attractive (even to me!). When I am myself - who happens to be a coach as well, I am very attractive. (and more comfortable, and have more fun...bonus!) Again, discovered by experimentation.

Scientists know that an experiment cannot fail - Thomas Edison captured this truth in this quote "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Each 'failed' experiment gives the scientist more information about how things do not work...which then leads them inexorably to what DOES work. What will you experiment with today?

