Monday 16 April 2007

Continuing in Your Natural Way

Here at Your Natural Way Towers, we are happy to answer your questions...and hear how you are getting on with Your Natural Way. The following was part of an e-mail we received from a recent class participant - I asked her permission to share it because I suspect she is not alone in 'not having time' to pursue her Natural Way.

"My natural way is a fog to me at the moment, mainly because I haven’t really been able to go back and look at our class notes." Carole

Here's what I do. I have a notebook full of YNW stuff and what is working right now for me (as well as what’s worked in the past). At the beginning of the book is listed the modules – being myself, beliefs, meeting and connecting, in service of, deepening connection, ripeness, trust and integration. I take a quick look at the headings and see what comes up for me…even in 5 minutes I can uncover a belief, update my natural way of meeting people, or connect with what I ‘know’ and get inspired. On the back page of the book is my ‘personal success formula’ as Joseph calls it – with the characteristics of me when I’m being me etc. So, what is working for you? What is in your personal success formula? (a bee? A good networker? Energised by people?) What module do you feel ‘pulled’ to?

EVERYDAY we are being (or not) our natural selves. Whether we are being natural or not, we can learn from it - we can always be more our natural selves. And Your Natural Way is not about the 'normal' learning environment - it is learning from what is happening in your life - learning about who you are by what you do and how you feel. You don't need time to sit down with your notes, you just need a willingness to NOTICE what is happening.

With much love

PS Do you have a question about Your Natural Way? Please e-mail us.

Friday 6 April 2007

Being Just Me

How do you define yourself? Do you define yourself by what you do? 'I am an accountant/teacher/manager/businessman'. OR do you define yourself by who you are? What sort of person are you? Isn't that truly how to define yourself?

When you define yourself by what you do, what happens when you no longer do that thing? When you retire, or go to work for yourself? Suddenly that very limiting definition of what you do opens out into who you are...and that's such a big change. There's no convenient label to hang on 'me-ness' (well, Donnaonthebeach does it quite well for me...but how will other people know?).

It's a leap, to be sure... And it can be a very scary (or exciting) leap. There is no such thing as 'just' you - you-ness is a huge thing for you to grow into...and boy how attractive when you are 'fully you'.

