Wednesday 30 April 2008

Easy Gardening

If you take a look at nature, grass doesn't 'try' to grow, it just grows. Flowers don't struggle to bloom, they just bloom. The sun doesn't try to force itself up in the middle of the night, it comes up with ease when the time is right for it to do so.

What could you and your business learn from this? What are you 'trying', 'struggling' or 'forcing'? What would you change if you saw it as a natural process? There may still be some action, after all, we need to sow the seed, feed and nurture the plant, and create the right conditions for it to happen.

But there's no trying, struggling or forcing involved.

What is the next natural step for your business?



Wednesday 23 April 2008

Being Yourself is a Lifelong Experiment

Here at Your Natural Way, we run courses and group coaching programs that run for 4-12 months, but we don't expect that in that time you will stop learning about yourself. After 3 years of Your Natural Way, I am still deepening my learning about MY natural way and finding ever easier and ever more fun ways to be fully myself.

Humans are like onions...layers.

Keep peeling back the layers of the authentic you. For always.



Thursday 17 April 2008

Take what works for you

I heard something the other day that seemed to embody the YNW philosophy:

"Whatever you read, hear or see, take what works for you and leave the rest behind."

What resonates with you is likely to be part of your natural way, so take that. What does not resonate is likely to be part of someone else's natural way, let them get on with it and get on with YOUR natural way.



Tuesday 15 April 2008

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy..."

A big part of the Your Natural Way to Get Clients teleclass is the module "Being in Service of". We start thinking about this in module 4 and, gradually, over the remaining time and modules, we come to some statement about what we are 'in service of' in our life and business. It may be a sentence or two that only we understand. But the great thing is that we do understand what it means to us.

Being in service is not something that I thought about concretely until I took the YNW class. I don't know why - I was kind, generous, and helpful to others but without specific intention. What I do know is that having my 'in service' statement taped on my computer monitor makes a difference to how I set my intention for the day, and to how I interact with others. Somehow in the process of determining what I am being in service of, I started to realize that I can and do make a difference in this world. My life became more meaningful as I defined my intention of being in service and how I will be in service. I feel more focused and resolute, more goal-oriented in a less materialistic way. There is something within me that is satisfied by saying my service statement out loud and having it witnessed by my coach and my classmates. It gives that intention power and I feel more empowered in my life. By giving meaning and purpose to my life and business, I feel happy. When I feel happy, I am more effective and creative, more expansive. Life becomes joy.

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy."  -  Rabindranath Tagore



Wednesday 9 April 2008

The Best Belief

Hi guys

Thought I would share with you my favourite tool for changing beliefs:

The thought: Eg I don't know how to get clients
A slightly better thought: Eg I can find out how to get clients
An even bettter thought: Eg I am learning more about getting clients every day
The best thought I can think today: Eg I know in my heart exactly what to do to attract the people who are right for me. be myself - as I am a magnet for those few it is perfect and natural for me to connect with.



Monday 7 April 2008

Shopping for Beliefs

Ok, today we are going shopping. Woo hoo!!! I already bought some red shoes and some jaffa cakes, so now I'm ready for a different sort of shopping.

Belief Shopping.

You need to make a list of what beliefs you need. To do this, imagine that you have the business you really want to have (you know what that looks like, right?). What beliefs do you have in this ideal business? EG the belief that client getting is easy or the belief that you ARE good enough to do this.

Make a shopping list of the beliefs you don't yet have that you need.

Now go shopping!



Friday 4 April 2008

Nothing Big Required - You Are Enough!

"Most of us have the feeling that we are here to accomplish something big in our lives, and if we haven't done something that fits the bill, we may feel as if we are waiting. We may feel incomplete, or empty, as if our lives don't yet make sense to us, because they don't line up with our idea of major accomplishment. In some cases, this may be because we really are meant to do something that we haven't yet done. But, in most cases, we can let ourselves off the hook with the realization that just being here, being ourselves, is enough.

As we live our lives in this world, we share our energy and our spirit with the people around us in numerous ways. Our influence touches their lives and, through them, touches many more people. When we strive to live our lives to the fullest and to become our true (natural) selves, we are doing something big on an inner level, and that is more than enough to make sense of our being here on this planet at this time. There is no need to hold ourselves to an old idea in the back of our minds that we need to make headlines or single-handedly save the world in order to validate our existence.

We can each look within our hearts to discover what is true for us, what gives our lives meaning, and what excites us. We can release ourselves from any pressure to perform that comes from outside of our inner sense of purpose. Staying in tune with our own values and living our lives in tune with our own vision is all we need in order to fulfill our time here...we can trust that this is enough."

From: (DailyOM)

What is meaningful to you? Is your natural way enough? Any beliefs in there that may be sabotaging your faith in your way? What do you think?

Love,  Barbara