Wednesday 28 May 2008

What I know for Sure

What do you Know for Sure about your business?

What does the voice of inspiration whisper to you?

Hint: this is not the loud voice in your head that says 'you suck'!

When was the last time you took the time to connect with your inner wisdom?

Because, you know, you have all the's just a matter of being still enough to hear them.



Monday 19 May 2008

What's the Point of Meeting People if You Don't Stay In Touch?

Let's say you go to one networking event every week, and you meet 20 people at each one.

80 people a month.

Of which, only 2 were ready for your services right now.

What about the other 78? You just write them off?

Or do you keep in touch with them, knowing that you can be of service to them...and when they are ready, the chances are good that they will look to you?

You don't have to bombard them with phone calls or e-mails, you can simply stay in touch with them from a place of service.

If you're not sure how - look at how you like people to stay in touch with you, and how much more likely you are to buy from them months (even years) down the line when they have been in touch and in service of your needs.



Thursday 15 May 2008

Who Would I Be If I Weren't Somebody Else?

Stephen Covey says:
"To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you are going, so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction."

This is not me. Statements like this have always intimidated me. I don't really understand them except on an intellectual level. My destination has never been clear. The view has always seemed a bit obscured. I thought I should know where I'm going and suffered a lot of guilt and self-judgment as a result of the seeming randomness of my life. Imagining myself in different jobs and roles never gave me a lift or a sense of destiny. I felt as if this was a great failing on my part to be so much like a paper floating on a stream. Who would I be if I weren't somebody else?

When I relaxed into my more natural self, I realised that I had been doing what I was meant to do and being who I was supposed to be from an early age. With the 'shoulds' pushed aside, I could see myself more clearly. As I made choices based on my values instead of on what somebody else was doing, I discovered my natural way. Living a value-driven life allows me to make choices from my own context and the somebody I become is truly me - naturally! And the path before me is less of a minefield and more of an easy journey of self-affirmation.

I am somebody and that somebody is ME!

"You are always in a universe of choices. Any moment of your life can go in any direction you choose."
-Luis Alberto Urrea in The Hummingbird's Daughter



Tuesday 13 May 2008

The Obligation to be Yourself

Eleanor Roosevelt:

Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

Friday 9 May 2008

I Don't Want Your Happiness, I Want Your Money

How do you react to that subject line? Do you feel a warm fuzzy feeling toward me? Do you think 'yes, of course, let me get my credit card'? Or do you feel a little taken aback, somewhat soiled, even revolted?

Obviously it's fairly rare that someone will say that (or write it) aloud...but if that's their intention, can you feel it anyway? Can you feel when someone just wants to sell to you, whether you want or need their product or service or not? Do you buy from those people?

Have you checked which side you are 'coming from' intentionally lately? Do you want the money, or do you want people to experience what you do and have their lives improve as a result? I am not saying you can't make money by just being after the client's cash - double glazing salesmen do it all the time - but it is much easier to 'get' a client if you are serving them, not your bank account.



Friday 2 May 2008

Always Serving

What are you 'in service of' in the world? What is your driving ideal? What would you love to change about the world?

Did you know you are ALWAYS serving that ideal? Not just with your clients, but with yourself, your family and friends, everyone you interact with.

This doesn't mean you need to become a pulpit basher! But it does suggest that if you are conscious of what you are serving, you will be able to serve consciously and more effectively...always. All Ways.

