Thursday 20 December 2007

Play 'Bees And Flowers' at Your Christmas Party

A 'Bee' is someone who will happily buzz round the room, meeting all the people in a very forward manner. A 'flower' will do it if they have to, but would much rather people came to them.

It's Christmas party season, and a great time to experiment with this - after all, there's no pressure to get clients at a party! Play at being a bee, and play at being a flower. Notice what works, notice how you feel, notice if you have to fortify yourself with red wine to move or stand still! Keep playing, and remember to be yourself.

You never know, you might 'accidentally' get clients!



Wednesday 19 December 2007

No 'Right' Way for Everyone

There is no 'Right Way' for everyone. There is your way, my way, and all the ways in between. So all those books that say 'this is how you do it'? They mean 'this is how I do it', and you can customise it for you. Or ignore it if it's not your way.




Wednesday 12 December 2007

Everyone I Meet Must Become a Client

As you are out and about in the world, you will meet people who 'could' become clients...people who you connect with, you like, you see that your service can help, and you would love to work with. Would it be ok with you if this perfect client DIDN'T become a client? Would it be ok with you if not everyone you met became a client? Because not everyone will...and that's ok. Some people will be connectors, connecting you to other people who may become clients, some will become friends, some will become clients, some will fizzle to nothing...for now.

And that's ok. Don't let the weight of your expectation for 'a perfect client' or 'anyone' to work with you squash the relationship before it has a chance to serve you! Imagine how that feels from the other side - you meet this great person, have a wonderful connection and then you sense that they are disappointed in you because you are not ready to work with them today. What chance is there of you working with them tomorrow? None.

Let each new connection delight you with whatever it brings you - whether that's a new client now, or 20 new clients way down the line, or...a thousand other possibilities these people may bring you.



Wednesday 5 December 2007

Sneaky Beliefs

Limiting beliefs that stop you from getting clients can sneak in when your back is turned.

Answer this question to flush out any that are lurking in the shadows: Can you get 20 new clients paying your highest fee by Christmas this year? (If the answer is YES of course I can, double it til some beliefs fall out of the tree!)

If the answer's no, what are the 'reasons' (or limiting beliefs, some call them)? Are these beliefs stopping you from getting the clients you want and deserve?



Monday 3 December 2007

Don't it Make You Feel Good?

One of the key concepts of Your Natural Way is doing things that suit you. Your personality, your preferences, YOUR Natural Way. A very simple test of what this might be is what feels good when you are doing it?

For example, even though I love chatting to people, I hate networking events! They don't feel good (and I experimented with this long enough to know it's not about it being something new). On the other hand, I love going to classes and events that interest me...not to 'network', but to learn something, see someone, have fun. And as an afterthought, an added bonus, I get to chat to people - or network - in a way that feels good.

So, what are you feeling good about and how can you use this to find out more about Your Natural Way?

