Thursday 31 January 2008

100% Growth Guaranteed

Would you like to see your business grow by 100% over the next 6 months? Would you like to learn a proven strategy for doubling your business that you can use again and again? Join us at Your Natural Way for a small group experience that will help you to understand the process YOU use to get clients, smooth this process out for you and make client getting easier and more FUN!

Led by Donna Higton: Donna was Your Natural Way’s first hand-picked leader in 2005. She has been coaching since 2002, and credits Your Natural Way with saving her business. Now, she is passionate about helping others find their natural way and have a business full of clients, ease and joy.
Read more about Donna here

Course begins 18th February at 2pm GMT / 3pm CET / 9am EST
2 one-hour virtual learning calls per month for 6 months, with full follow up and support material. Read more about the course here.

Contact for more information, to set up a conversation with Donna and for bookings

Payment plans available

Monday 28 January 2008

The Rules of Getting Clients

What rules have you made up about how you get clients?

Eg they cannot be friends, or they cannot pay full price, or they cannot be someone I meet and instantly become a client or they cannot be someone I meet, keep in touch with and become a client after 2 years of knowing me.

Where might your rules be getting in the way of you getting clients?

One of my rules was that clients had to jump through a number of hoops before they could become clients...which made becoming a client a long-winded process for someone who just wanted to be a client, now, with no preamble, no relationship building, no sales pitch, no free sessions, no ... and the list goes on!

Now I have a rule that clients can become clients as fast (or as slow) as they like...and that rule works a lot better!



Monday 21 January 2008

Serving Me, Serving You, Aha!

When I am serving me, I am totally in acquisition mode. I just want your business, I don't care about your problems. It is win or lose, no middle ground.

The irony is that when I am serving you, interested in your problems (and wanting to solve them), I am more likely to get the business. And even if I don't, I get to help you in some way. Win/win.

Who are you serving? Yourself or your clients?



Friday 18 January 2008

If You Knew What to Do

Just a quickie today.

If you knew what to do to get more clients, what would you be doing that you're not doing right now?

Remember to trust your wisdom. You do know what to do.



Wednesday 16 January 2008

A Successful Equation

Your skills and gifts + someone who wants those skills and gifts and is willing to pay you for them = a great client relationship.

So are you looking for the people who want what you have to offer?



Friday 11 January 2008

Learning What Works

Remember that it takes time to learn what works, just like it takes time to walk, to talk, what doesn't work!

Give yourself the gift of the time to learn.



Tuesday 8 January 2008

Doing What Works

Whenever I have a lull in my business, I notice that for some reason, I have stopped doing the things that I know work! I've talked a bit on this blog about noticing what worked, and the follow up piece of advice is:


