Thursday 20 December 2007

Play 'Bees And Flowers' at Your Christmas Party

A 'Bee' is someone who will happily buzz round the room, meeting all the people in a very forward manner. A 'flower' will do it if they have to, but would much rather people came to them.

It's Christmas party season, and a great time to experiment with this - after all, there's no pressure to get clients at a party! Play at being a bee, and play at being a flower. Notice what works, notice how you feel, notice if you have to fortify yourself with red wine to move or stand still! Keep playing, and remember to be yourself.

You never know, you might 'accidentally' get clients!



Wednesday 19 December 2007

No 'Right' Way for Everyone

There is no 'Right Way' for everyone. There is your way, my way, and all the ways in between. So all those books that say 'this is how you do it'? They mean 'this is how I do it', and you can customise it for you. Or ignore it if it's not your way.




Wednesday 12 December 2007

Everyone I Meet Must Become a Client

As you are out and about in the world, you will meet people who 'could' become clients...people who you connect with, you like, you see that your service can help, and you would love to work with. Would it be ok with you if this perfect client DIDN'T become a client? Would it be ok with you if not everyone you met became a client? Because not everyone will...and that's ok. Some people will be connectors, connecting you to other people who may become clients, some will become friends, some will become clients, some will fizzle to nothing...for now.

And that's ok. Don't let the weight of your expectation for 'a perfect client' or 'anyone' to work with you squash the relationship before it has a chance to serve you! Imagine how that feels from the other side - you meet this great person, have a wonderful connection and then you sense that they are disappointed in you because you are not ready to work with them today. What chance is there of you working with them tomorrow? None.

Let each new connection delight you with whatever it brings you - whether that's a new client now, or 20 new clients way down the line, or...a thousand other possibilities these people may bring you.



Wednesday 5 December 2007

Sneaky Beliefs

Limiting beliefs that stop you from getting clients can sneak in when your back is turned.

Answer this question to flush out any that are lurking in the shadows: Can you get 20 new clients paying your highest fee by Christmas this year? (If the answer is YES of course I can, double it til some beliefs fall out of the tree!)

If the answer's no, what are the 'reasons' (or limiting beliefs, some call them)? Are these beliefs stopping you from getting the clients you want and deserve?



Monday 3 December 2007

Don't it Make You Feel Good?

One of the key concepts of Your Natural Way is doing things that suit you. Your personality, your preferences, YOUR Natural Way. A very simple test of what this might be is what feels good when you are doing it?

For example, even though I love chatting to people, I hate networking events! They don't feel good (and I experimented with this long enough to know it's not about it being something new). On the other hand, I love going to classes and events that interest me...not to 'network', but to learn something, see someone, have fun. And as an afterthought, an added bonus, I get to chat to people - or network - in a way that feels good.

So, what are you feeling good about and how can you use this to find out more about Your Natural Way?



Tuesday 27 November 2007

Who are you with when you're not yourself?

There are times when we are 'not' our fully magnificent and shiny selves...maybe when we're ill, stressed, tired...or with people we are not our 'real' self with. We suppress little bits of ourselves with all sorts of different people, until we forget who we are. It's a gradual process, it takes years to suppress the enthusiasm for 'me-ness' that we had when we were 3.

Luckily, it doesn't take as long to release that pent up 'me-ness'...and you can do it gradually. Find someone you are not quite yourself with, and make an effort today to be more 'you' with them. Just a bit more. And then next time, a little bit more, until you are fully you with them. Then find someone else to be 'you' with...and so on.

Boy, these people are in for a treat!



Monday 19 November 2007

Don't give up on your Garden

Life sometimes gets in the way - births, deaths, marriages, random things that just take up your time and take your focus away from your garden. But that is no reason to give up on your garden entirely. Once you have created a garden, it is there for good. It may need a bit of weeding every now and again if you've been neglecting it, but it won't take as much time as you expect.

Those seeds are still there, they are hardier than you give them credit for.

Keeeeeeeeeeep dancing...I mean gardening!



Wednesday 14 November 2007

Intentionally Focusing

What is your intention for your business? Do you intend to have lots of clients, pots of money, oodles of ease, and a ton of fun? Of course you do!

And what do you focus on?

How many wonderful clients you have (even when there is 1), the money you have, the ease with which you do business, and the enjoyment you have?


How many wonderful clients you DON'T have, how skint you are, how hard it is, and how you are driving yourself into exhaustion?

Your experiment for today is to focus more on scenario A than scenario B...and watch your energy, and you business, soar.



Thursday 27 September 2007

The Thread of Flow

What is the thread of flow in your client getting system?

That thread could be anything...just a thread that goes through the process, from seed to harvest and beyond.

Mine is humour (lightness). Yours could be connection, love, joy, focus, motivation, inspiration...anything...

That thread holds together your client getting - is it a strong thread?



Wednesday 26 September 2007

Focus on the Garden, Not the Harvest

Imagine a tomato plant. A healthy, vibrant, growing tomato plant that's just starting to flower. Now imagine that you have 2 tomatoes on that plant that are ready to harvest.

If you just look at the harvest, you might be disappointed. 2? That's not going to feed me for the rest of my life. 2? That's just not enough. 2? I might as well give up growing tomatoes, I'm obviously rubbish at it.

But if you look at the plant, you can see that there are 2 tomatoes to harvest today, another 12 tomatoes to harvest 'soon', and the plant will feed your compost heap so that next year you will have a bumper harvest!

Now look at the whole garden. 20 tomato plants, fruit trees galore, and an acre of vegetables. Enough to sustain you over a long period of time...easily.

Which way do you look at your client garden? From the point of view of the harvest? Or from the point of view of your wonderful garden, that is growing and developing and will feed you...if you take care of it?



Tuesday 25 September 2007

In Service of Your Wallet

We are all 'in service of' something in the world - we all want to contribute, and those in business are lucky enough to be able to do that through the medium of their businesses. But sometimes, you are just in service of your wallet! You just want the money. (or your financial situation requires that you go after the £'s!)

How do you think this shows up when you are talking to your clients and prospects? In the past, when I've forgotten what I'm really in service of (passion, joy and love) and I've been serving my bank balance, it's meant that I am just interested in 'making the sale', not helping the person. Not connecting with them. Not doing what is right for both of us. Just getting the £.

It didn't feel good. And it didn't work! I either didn't get the business (because they saw me as a money grabbing *&^^%&*) or I got a client I wasn't connected to. In my line of work, that's an uncomfortable place to be! Since I shifted my attention from 'how may I serve my wallet' to 'how may I serve you', client getting has become easier, more fun...and has opened new doors, because now I'm not just trying to sell what I do, I am looking for ways to make a difference.

Are you serving your wallet or the world? How does that affect your business dealings? What would change if you changed your focus?

To your business' health and happiness!


PS what can I do for you? How can I help you? How can Your Natural Way help you? I'd love to hear from you - please e-mail me.

Monday 24 September 2007

The Land of Small Tweaks

Many of us already have a successful formula for our business. Trouble is, we don't realise it. Do you know what is working? There is fact, it could be everything if you look at it from a certain angle. Something that doesn't work gives you feedback...and that feedback is working to help you make your business better.

Most of the time we don't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater, we just need to change the parameters a bit. And again. And again. Tweak, tweak, tweak. When you enter the land of small tweaks, everything gets easier, because you are just pruning your practices - keeping what works, and helping that to grow with little changes.

You know what they are just need to ask yourself the right question. Not 'what am I doing wrong?', but 'what's working? and how could this work even better?'



Friday 21 September 2007

No Now or No Never

When it comes to 'the ask' (will you work with me?), many of us are afraid of a 'no'. I was too, once upon a time. Now though, I see a no as feedback on the ripeness of the seed. See, if you're trying to pick an unripe fruit, you will get a 'no'. But is that a 'no for now' or a 'no never'? Since I've been doing 'the ask', I rarely get a 'dear god, no, get away from me you sleazy saleswoman'.

Well, actually I've never had that! But it'll be a good story if I do. Anyway, I rarely get a 'no, never' fact I can only think of 2 'no, nevers' in the last 2 years, and they were both delivered nicely, in a 'thanks for the invite, but it's not for me' kind of way. It isn't that scary when people say no, and you get to serve them by determining what they need from you to progress along to ripeness.

It's time to get past that anxiety about the 'no's and see them for what they really are - part of your ripeness testing kit.



Wednesday 19 September 2007

Different Strokes for Different Plants

Each 'seed' you plant (prospect) is different - every potential client will need your considered attention. You will be finding your natural way to nurture your seeds and plants, and remember to stay flexible. You may find that some plants need less nurturing than you would naturally give, and some may need more.

Notice when you are in your garden how the attention you are giving is affecting each plant - do some of them need more water? Talking to? Less attention? The more you can learn from your garden every time you visit, the easier this process becomes.



Wednesday 12 September 2007

An Active Flower

I just wanted to expand on something I said yesterday, which was that flowers are very active. In nature, flowers have a variety of methods they employ to attract pollinators - scent, colour, texture. In the same way, people 'flowers' can use a wide array of methods to attract clients. Personally I use: a website, a blog (or two!), a newsletter, public speaking (yes, it's a flower technique! Think Chelsea Flowere Show), smiling and being friendly at networking events, wearing bright colours...and more.

The key thing to remember is that this is YOUR natural Way. Your natural way to be a flower. You can be hugely active in your attractiveness.



Tuesday 11 September 2007

Shy Violet or Venus Flytrap?

I had the pleasure of meeting some lovely people from the Assocation for Coaching today, and they got me thinking about flowers... 'Flowers' are people who see a room full of people they don't know and think 'oh dear'! (or in my case, something slightly less polite!) Knowing that you are a flower (as opposed to a 'bee' who is perfectly happy to buzz round meeting new people) is a really useful distinction...because when you know you can plan your strategy to attract your bee/hummingbird/ladybird.

There is a huge variety of flowers in nature - and you will have your own brand of 'flowerishness'. Mine hasn't got a name (of course, I like to be individual!), but she is very colourful and cheery looking, she leans towards sunny people, and she's quite happy to be in a display garden and have lots of people looking at her! (outside the metaphorical, this means I'm friendly, smiley, cheery, I like talking in front of people, I love talking to sunny people and actively encourage them to talk to me.)

What is your flower like? (or your bee for that matter!) Make no mistake, flowers are active attractors...think of the Venus Flytrap...are you laying snares for the unwary ;-), or are you like the shy violet, quietly attracting those people who are perfect for you and not attracting the notice of those you do not wish to see?

Enjoy this is a lot of fun!



Friday 7 September 2007

Changing Beliefs - some tools

Here at Your Natural Way Towers, we are always experimenting with making it easier to 'get' the Your Natural Way concepts. (by the way, experimenting with making it easier is a great way to make your working life better!)

We've been exploring some tools for changing and exploring beliefs - EFT ( and The Work of Byron Katie ( Penny Waite ( is an incredible energy specialist, and the very best person I have ever found for working with EFT. And Jon Willis ( is a wonderful facilitator of The Work.

If you have beliefs you want to change or explore, I highly reccommend you check these methods and people out.



Thursday 6 September 2007

What are you Learning?

When we ask the question 'what's working?', often people just look at the end result they want and say 'nothing'...but they are missing a whole wealth of information. Let me give you an example...when I decided to experiment with asking for referrals (with a statistically significant sample instead of 3 people!), I asked about 40 people for a referral and got back ... nada, nothing, not a bean.

As in I got no concrete referrals, I hadn't signed up any clients directly as a result of these conversations. However, there were positives. What was working? Well, I was learning how to ask, and how not to. Who to ask, and who not to. And as I went along, I was ever drilling down into my natural way to ask for referrals, and what would feel good. Initially, it just felt HARD. I could easily have given up at that point, and dismissed it as 'not working' and 'not my Natural Way'.

But the more you do something, the better you get at it. And I noticed 3 things from this experiment - 1. there were over 40 (for the experiment continued) people who knew what and who I was looking for. 2. There were 'offshoots' of these conversations - random people signed up to my newsletter or started reading my blog. And 3. these people would ask how i was doing. Sometimes in front of other people, who would then get interested in helping me.

I know because I am in their mind, if and when they meet the sort of person I am looking for, they will think of me. That experiment worked. And continues to work now as it is still ongoing, and I have spoken to more than 40 people, and am getting ever closer to my 'perfect' referral request!

So when you are next asking yourself what is prepared to look beneath the surface. Be prepared to see which parts of your experiment are working, and feeling good...even if the result isn't here yet. When you ask what is working, think 'what am I learning' - while you are learning, your experiments are working!



Wednesday 5 September 2007

A Bumper Harvest

Continuing our garden metaphor, today I want you to take a look at the harvest you will reap this September. Ok, you are probably not planting in order to reap in September, unlike the farmer's in this part of the world, but do you even know what your harvest might be?

The seeds you've planted along the way are maturing, ripening and will be ready for harvest at some you know when you will need your pickers to get to work?



Tuesday 4 September 2007

Frowning at Your Garden

While speaking to the magnificent Damien Churton (YNW founder, leader, and my coach) this morning, I realised something very interesting. I have been standing in my garden with my hands on my hips, frowning about what I haven't done...instead of just grabbing the tools and doing the gardening!

Metaphorically. In actuality, I had a busy week last week - I was only in the office (garden) for a day and a half, and I didn't do a lot of the things I normally do to look after my garden. So this week when I got back to it, I wasted a few hours (seriously...i only wish I were joking!) looking at what I hadn't done and what that would mean.

The garden metaphor made me realise how utterly ridiculous, pointless and downright unhelpful that particular inaction was!

No matter how messy your garden is, it won't change because you are cross with it. It will only change when you pick up a trowel, and a spade, and a fork, and get on with the gardening!



Monday 3 September 2007

Your Learning Edge

"Stay away from the edge". Ever heard that admonition? Maybe as a kid while walking by the cliffs? It's quite natural to want to stay away from a cliff edge - especially if the consequences are a 200 foot fall to a rocky beach! I've noticed that we also stay away from less physically dangerous edges.

Like your learning edge. The edge of your comfort zone if you like. The point at which you are learning most. Playing it safe might feel more comfortable, but you don't learn as much from there. When you are really at your learning edge, you will learn so much more. And it doesn't have to be hard.

Remember, we at Your Natural Way are all about EASE! We don't want you to cut yourself on your learning edge...but we do want you to notice what's happening and have fun at your learning edge. Rollercoaster scary, not life-threatening scary. Exhilarating, not paralysing. Do you know your learning edge well enough to get the adrenaline without the fear?

What could you do to experiment with this?



Wednesday 29 August 2007

100% Business Growth

Sound good? 100% growth for your business is our guarantee when you join our Your Natural Way to Get Clients small group .

The next group is starting in 2 weeks time with me, Donna (onthebeach) Higton.

I'd love to have you come join us. To find out more, follow the link above, or e-mail me.



Thursday 23 August 2007

I am SO Not Like That

We suggest that the qualities you admire in someone else are qualities that you possess – qualities that are part of your natural self. This is true whatever your reaction to it. The 3 main reactions are:
- oh yeah, I can see that
- hmm, maybe or really? Me? Like that? Wow.
- I’m so not like that!

I always admired Joseph’s calm, peaceful, patient demeanor…and even 3 months ago I was denying that I have any calm, peace, patience in me. I am mayhem in a box…or so I thought. One of my daily practices is to decide who I want to be each day. I pick 3 qualities that I would like to embody. To my astonishment, over the past few months – calm, peaceful, relaxed, and even patient have made it into that top 3…regularly.

But I’m not calm, peaceful or patient! Wrong. I am. That was just a side of my personality I hadn’t allowed ‘out’ before. The clue was always there – I admired these qualities in others…but couldn’t see them in me. Now I can I am so proud that the chaotic side of my personality is counterbalanced by this lovely peaceful, calm and patient self. It still feels like ‘it’s not me’…to my rational mind. My soul, however, recognises this part only too well. And always did.

What part of you are you denying? If you were to acknowledge that you are like that, how would that feel?



Wednesday 22 August 2007

Maybe They Won't Like Me

Unusually today, this is a crossover post between my own blog, and the Your Natural Way blog. This is a central idea to the Your Natural Way philosophy...and to my philosophy that 'Life's a Beach'. Your Authentic, Natural, True self is your best self.

People often worry that if they expose their real self, other people won't like them. And that would be bad. It is a really common misconception, and I'm not entirely sure where it comes from (possibly the skool daze, where anything different had other kids pointing and laughing!).

But here's what I know from working with hundreds of people to be more authentic in life and business:
- authentic people are a heck of a lot more likeable than those who wear a mask
- there is a certain energy around authentic, natural people that other people like
- everyone wants more authenticity, so the more natural you are, the more other people seem to gravitate towards you
- when you are being your most natural, authentic self, you don't really care what other people think.
- If someone doesn't like the 'real' you, it's ok...we're not all compatible with one another. When you are natural, and someone else doesn't like that, you are happy to let them get on with it - knowing that you are being your best self.
- being yourself gives other people permission to do the same around you, and that is the greatest gift you can give.

Don't worry that people might not like the 'real' you - trust me, YOU will like yourself a whole lot more when you stop pretending to be someone else.



Monday 20 August 2007

The Book of Me

Do you keep a 'Book of Me'? A book where you detail who you are - your natural self. All the parts that make up the inventory of you. The benefit of this is that you can look at this at any time and see how 'you' you are being. You will also see that you are enormously complicated and fabulously simple! You are a mass of contradictions. And somehow, these ingredients mix together perfectly to make...


Run that inventory today and check that you are using all the ingredients that make up the very best you, and if you're not...start mixing some of the less used ones into the mix.

Now, won't that feel better?



Friday 17 August 2007

Another Course End...

Our teleclass course is a funny thing - it's just 8 modules over 16 weeks, but I still get enormously attached to each group! The final class is just amazing - where we look at the growth people have gone through over the past 4 months.

This week saw the final class of the latest group, and I want to say thank you to the participants of this group, once again, you have all been wonderful and it is a beautiful thing to see you blossoming into that magnificent being that you truly are. As ever, it had me completely choked up, with my heart broken wide open with joy.

And if you want to know what I'm on about, why not come take the YNW to Get Clients course with us?

Much love


Wednesday 15 August 2007

My Own Special Creation

"I am what I am, I am my own special creation" - Gay anthem for the past 20 years, and in my opinion, one of the most empowering songs ever written. Go Gloria (Gaynor)

"Life ain't worth a dam, til you can shout out I am what I am"

Do you own your magnificence this much? Do you see what a special creation you've made? Do you know just how wonderful you are? It's time to own it, and say "I am what I am".

And that's just great!



Tuesday 14 August 2007

Stop Trying to Impress

Are you trying to impress someone else? Do you want to 'show' them? How can you possibly be yourself when you are busy trying to impress?

Your Natural Self is THE most impressive you there is. There's no one like you anywhere else on earth. You're it. Unique. Magnificent. You. If you truly live that, you will never need to impress anyone ever again because they will be dazzled by you anyway (or not...but if not, it won't matter because you are yourself!).



Monday 13 August 2007

Giving Away your Power

I had an e-mail last week from Andrea Lee about how we give away our power by blindly following a 'guru'. Remember that there is a 'right' way - a right way for you. And a right way for her. And a right way for him. And a right way for them. All these 'right way's might be similar...but each one will be unique to the person the way is for.

Remember that you are the one who is the expert on you. Other people may know a lot about marketing, business, sales and wealth...but you are the only one who can interpret it for your world. Don't give your power to a 'guru', listen to said 'guru' and make up your own mind. Trust me, you are a lot more powerful than you think.



Friday 10 August 2007


I hereby give you permission to be yourself.


The Team at Your Natural Way

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Inattention or over attention?

Any gardeners among you will know that plants need a certain amount of care - they do not need to be watched 24/7, and at the other extreme, if you completely leave them alone they may die, disappear, be swallowed up by weeds or turn into a triffid! There is a lovely sweet spot in the middle where you give them the nurturance they need, the pruning they need to grow as you want them to, and the space and time they need to grow.

Your client garden is the same - constantly heckling someone to become your client is annoying, and leave them alone for 3 years and chances are they will have forgotten about you! Once again, there is a sweet spot - between losing a prospect through over-attention and losing a prospect through inattention, there is the perfect amount of attention to keep them in your garden, growing just as you would like them to.

Are you giving your garden just the right amount of attention?



Tuesday 7 August 2007

How Much do You Experiment?

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." said Ralph Waldo Emerson. As it applies to all life, it also applies to all business! If what you have is working perfectly, perhaps you have no more need for experimentation. For the vast majority of us, there is still some tweaking to do to get that perfectly working business. How many experiments have you made this week? This month? This year?

Are your experiments bringing you closer to that perfect business? Do you have tried and tested ways of doing what works? Could they be even better? Remember that the nature of experiments is that some of them will not go as you expect - no matter if the result is 'positive' or 'negative' each one is a learning experience and will get you closer to where you want to be...but only if you keep experimenting, changing the factors, evaluating your results.

I once 'experimented' with asking for referrals - with a sample of 3. Funnily enough, the sample wasn't really big enough! When i changed the experiment to a sample of 100, I learned heaps - about my comfort zone in asking for help, about who I wanted referred, about the sort of person who would refer, about the best way to ask for help...and much more. I'm still experimenting with this - and each experiment brings me closer to what works perfectly.

What are you experimenting with today?



Monday 6 August 2007

Asking the wrong people

I've just been chuckling at a forum post in which someone asked a question about what they should do. The first reply told them emphatically to do one thing. The second told them equally emphatically to do exactly the opposite! My post told them to do what felt right for them.

We can always share our experience with others - but there is no right or wrong way in your business...there is just the way that works for you. I have read many many many books on 'how to' grow your business. The one that worked? None of them. What worked was doing it my way - taking some bits from each book (those that I chucked in the bin, I took 'don't do it that way'!) and making my own 'growth plan'.

Other people can help you to find your long as you remember that the one who really knows what works for you is you.



Wednesday 1 August 2007

The Magic Mix

Do you know everything that you do to get more business? Are you aware of everything that contributes to Your Natural Way to Get Clients? When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING - including those things you do that are not necessarily business activities. Take exercise for example - I have noticed over the past 3 years that when I am physically active, my mind is clearer and I can work better.

When I am having fun in my 'personal' life, this tips over into my business life because I am more relaxed, laugh more easily and I notice I have some of my best business ideas when I am not at my desk! If you are not already, start to become aware of everything that contributes to Your Natural Way to get clients - just as everyone has their own strengths and ideas, everyone has a unique combination of activities that together are the 'magic mix'.

What is your Magic Mix?



Tuesday 31 July 2007

Inspiring Focus

Where is your focus for your business? Is your focus on who you want to work with, how many people you want to work with and exactly what you want your business to look like? Or, is your focus on what is wrong, that you don't have enough clients/business, that you hate the early mornings/late nights, that you procrastinate for your country?

Which focus do you think is the most inspiring? Focusing on what you want, or focusing on what's wrong? Which one has you leaping out of bed in the morning, raring to go because your vision is so inspiring? (Hint: if it's focusing on what's wrong, you're doing it the hard way!)

Reconnect to your vision for your business today, and see your enthusiasm soar!



Monday 30 July 2007

Social business

On our latest teleclass, one of our participants found a new way to meet and connect with people - Facebook. This social networking site is good fun, exceedingly random...and a nice way to re-connect with old friends/clients and stay in touch with them in a light and easy way. It's not for everyone - we all have our own Natural Way (and if we were all the same, it would be boring...and crowded!). And there's a good lesson here:

You do what you do all the time - you don't have to put your business 'hat' on to go networking, meeting and connecting. Have some fun, connect, and serve...socially. And watch that approach fill your business.



Friday 27 July 2007

Riding the Currents of Life

It's not as if the currents of life must be studied, examined, charted, explained, plied, or channelled, in order to be effortlessly ridden upon.

Besides, you'd get soaked.

The Universe

Let it be easy. You already know what you need to know, to have it all.

From, a resource we love.

Wednesday 25 July 2007

"The art of being yourself at your best is the art of unfolding your personality into the person you want to be. . . . Be gentle with yourself, learn to love yourself, to forgive yourself, for only as we have the right attitude toward ourselves can we have the right attitude toward others. "
Wilfred Peterson, This Week (Oct. 1, 1961)



Monday 23 July 2007

Love That, Hate That

Ever have a conversation with someone else in a similar field to you where they tell you how they get more clients and you go 'wow! what a great idea! I'd love to do that', or 'ugh! what a hideous idea! I'd hate to do that.'

Our assumption is that the things you would love to do are aligned with your natural way - like writing is for me. And the things you'd hate to do? Not so aligned with your natural way - like breakfast networking for me (it's not the networking part, it's the getting up at the crack of dawn part!).

Notice what other people can teach you about Your Natural Way. Instead of 'making yourself' do every trick you hear of, do the ones that you will enjoy anyway, the ones that sing to you. If you write a newsletter because you've heard that's what you 'should' do - it's going to be painful every deadline time, and possibly not the best presentation of your genius! Either do what you love, or change the parameters - eg evening networking.

Now that's better!



Friday 20 July 2007


The Y-level mid-terms (or mocks, if you prefer) are coming up soon. These exams will test your ability to be Yourself. What is your report card going to say? ‘Good on theory, not so hot on the practical’? Or how about ‘has the potential for magnificence, but buries it in layers of perfection, difficulty and trying’? The talk is all about the ease module, and how hard that is. Er…think they’ve missed the point – but you haven’t, right?! Good luck!



Wednesday 18 July 2007

Clean Connection

What is the difference between connecting with people easily, and connecting in a disconnected way? One answer that often comes up is the expectation from the connection - being attached to the outcome EG this person MUST love me; or this person MUST become a client. It's rarely that obvious, but do a little noticing, and there it is - the expectation that this connection must work out a certain way.

I wonder how this would feel from the other side? Connecting with someone who clearly has expectations of you? Might it feel a little uncomfortable? Might you be a bit concerned about letting them down or getting it wrong? Maybe it's not that obvious, but you still feel 'something' is a bit odd about this connection.

Are your connections clean? Free of expectation and attachment? Easy?



Monday 16 July 2007


Here at Your Natural Way, we don't just want to teach you something new. We want you to remember what you already know. We want to teach you a new way of being. Being yourself. Even when you are selling. No more putting your pants on outside your trousers, just remembering who you really are and using that authentic self to serve other people by selling them your services.

Sounds much easier than trying to be someone you're not and 'making the numbers' to me, but then I like easy. Do you remember?



Thursday 12 July 2007

Your Duty to Be Yourself

By being fully, completely and magnificently yourself, you open the way for thousands of others to do the same. When they see you in all your glory, “getting away with” being you, they get permission to do the same. So, as if doing it for yourself isn’t a good enough reason, you also get to help all those poor souls trying to be something they’re not when you play full out as yourself.



Wednesday 11 July 2007

Everyone I meet MUST become a Client

Is this how you approach your client getting? Everyone you meet and connect with MUST become a client. Immediately. Or you will never speak to them again? Seriously...take a look at your attitude to your client-getting process. Do you court someone endlessly until they turn you down, then dump them? (Smacks a bit of using someone for sex doesn't it?) Imagine how that must look to the potential client.

Oh, right, if they can't have their wicked way with me, they don't want me?! Right, I am so not going to reccommend this person! What if this potential client doesn't want your product or service today, but in 3 months will put in an the biggest order you've ever had? What if this potential client knows other people (it's quite likely!), and because they know you and like you, they recommend you? What if, even if they never become a client, they somehow will help your business?

What if you let go of your attachment to the idea that everyone you meet must become a client?



Tuesday 10 July 2007

I Believe in a Thing Called Work

Working hard, putting in the hours, making an effort, pushing the barriers, motivation, strain, stress, worry, pain.


Ease, joy, fun, play, experimentation, service, passion, love, laughter, movement, sychronicity, inspiration, attraction.

Which do you think a successful business requires?

Which do you think would feel best?

Which would you rather do?

Which do you do?



Monday 9 July 2007

Looking in the mirror of someone else

This weekend, I have been watching the mixed doubles contest from Wimbledon, and thoroughly enjoying the antics of Jelena Jankovic and Jamie Murray. This pairing laughed, jokes and smiled their way through the contest and were an absolute delight to watch. This led me to wondering why I was enjoying them so much, and what they could show me about my natural way.

I loved the joy, the fun, the laughter, the flirtation, the romance (are they, aren't they?), the smiling, the obvious way they were enjoying what they do. When I am fully my natural self, I am joyful, fun, laughing easily and often, flirting, romantic, I smile easily, I clearly enjoy what I do. Aha... A couple of things to add and underline in my personal success formula... What I see and love in them is also in me.

This week, notice what you are enjoying in someone else and what it can tell you about your natural way. Remember, they are a mirror.



Wednesday 4 July 2007

Evolving In Service of

What we are 'in service of' is an ever-evolving statement. I thought it might be interesting to show how mine has progressed over the past 2 and a half years:

I started with "I am in service of passion and joy" (after discarding about 20 other statements!)

A few months later it became "I am in service of passion and joy in the world"

Then "I am in service of purpose, passion and joy in the world"

Then "I am in service of awakening purpose, passion and joy in the world"

Then "I am in serive of awakening passion, joy and love"

And now "By being fully shining brilliance, I awaken passion, joy and love"

Our understanding of what we're serving changes as we change and grow and develop. Knowing what you serve makes it easier to market your business, to enjoy your life and to be of service! I give mine only as an example, yours will be very personal to you...

If you're wondering whether your statement needs updating, answer me this: does your in service of statement still fill you with the same sense of 'rightness' and give you fuel? If not, it may need to change!


PS If you want to find out more about how to create an 'in service of' statement, go to the website and check out our courses!

Tuesday 3 July 2007


According to Wikipedia (The biggest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on the Internet), authenticity is a psychological concept in which the individual derives gratification and positive emotions from exercising signature strengths and values.

Seems like a hard way to say, be your natural self (or in a fancy way you could say 'exercising your signature strengths and values'), and while you are at it, no need to apologize, in fact the world will give a standing ovation because you'll be so naturally undeniably attractive :-)
Damn, being your natural way just seems to work!!!!!

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Through a Your Natural Way lens

The thing about Your Natural Way that I love most is the thing that frightens a lot of people. It's the idea that I know best for me. This appeals to me most because I hate and detest being told what to do...I have done since I was about 2 years old. So the idea that it is up to me is liberating and freeing.

But for some, it is a scary idea...and seems to contain a paradox. How can I know what is best for me if I don't know anything about getting clients? The answer is simple - learn through a Your Natural Way lens - take what you are 'told' is the 'right' way to get clients and put your own spin on it. What resonates for you? What makes sense to you? What makes no sense at all to you?!

Trust that you DO know what's best for you, even if you are yet to learn what it is.



Monday 18 June 2007

How to inhibit Your Natural Way

If it is true that we are all unique, that we all have our own natural way, then comparison is not only useless, but a potential inhibitor of this precious thing that is you. Because nobody else has the same unique view of the world that you do, comparing yourself to another is like comparing soap and apples. Every part of you is wonderful, and by comparison we (usually) decide that something we do (or don’t do) is wrong.

This approach does not sound too clever!!!!

The faster you can appreciate that you are truly one of a kind, the faster you will realise that it is impossible for you to do something wrong…unless you are trying to be something you are not.

When you are fully yourself - your real, magnificent, divine self – you are incomparable.

If you ever feel like comparing yourself to anyone, then why not make a fair comparison… compare yourself to yourself and tell yourself how great you are!!!??!

Thursday 14 June 2007

Updating your In Service Of

Do you know why you do what you do? Do you know what prompted you to get into the field you are in? Do you know what drives your every decision in business and in life?

That's what your in service of gives you.

Mine got updated today to "By being fully shining brilliance, I awaken joy, love and passion."

Ooooh...feel that heartbeat of the world pulse? Yep, it's going to pulse for you too.



Wednesday 13 June 2007

If I trusted...

If I trusted that I knew exactly what I was doing in my business, what could change for me?

Well, for me it would take away some of the stress, the need to justify myself and my actions to others, I could allow my working day to be more fun than serious, and I could finish my working day earlier!

What would change for you?



Tuesday 12 June 2007

Acceptance Like the Rose

When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice that it is small, but we do not criticize it as ‘rootless and stemless’.

We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed.

When it first shoots up out of the earth we don’t condemn it as immature and underdeveloped; nor do we criticize the buds for not being open when they first appear.

We stand in wonder at the process that is taking place and give the plant the care it needs at each stage of its development.

The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change; yet at each stage, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is.
Galway, Inner Tennis

How do you treat the seeds in your client garden??

Friday 8 June 2007

The best four letter word in the world


What could change for you if you were willing to let it be easy?



Wednesday 6 June 2007

Last call for the next intermediate course

More clients, more easily, in a more natural way…

Sound good? The Your Natural Way to Get Clients™ Intermediate Group Experience will help you to grow your client base – by a guaranteed 100% in 6 months. How? By showing you Your Natural Way to Get Clients – how you can get clients more easily, in your own way, just by being yourself.

Compellingly yourself
Attractively yourself
And enjoying the process of client getting far more than you ever have

Join Damien Churton PCC, and Penny Waite, Energy specialist for a 6 month course that will change your business…and possibly your life.

“If you want to explore your beliefs and find out who you want to work with, this is the place to be! Damien’s excellent coaching combined with Penny’s energy work through her exciting tapping exercises will give you a great insight on how to create reality in a way that feels effortless and natural to you. Creating what you truly want is what this training is all about, and great it truly is. Thank you both for a great experience.” DP

“I am highly recommending Penny Waite. The energy work we did today left me walking 10 feet taller, and having had a really good laugh at some utterly ridiculous beliefs that have been holding me back. If you feel stuck energetically, check out Penny’s work” DH

What will be covered?
100% Growth: What is that to you, specifically?
Being Yourself: Who are you when you are at your most compelling and attractive?
Beliefs: Penny will show you a quick and powerful way to dump those beliefs that are in the way of you having the clients you desire
Meeting People and Building Connections: To get more clients, you need to meet some people…but you can do it YOUR way (and have fun in the process!)
In Service Of: You got into business for a reason – get connected to that reason, and get some rocket fuel for your business!
Deepening Connection and Staying in Touch: How many potential clients get lost because you haven’t kept in touch with them?
Ripeness: How do you know whether you should ask someone to be a client or just keep in touch with them? Find out.
Trust and…: You really do know best when it comes to you and your business. Learn to get in touch with that inner knowing.
Who you want to work with and on what: This is not the usual ‘niching’ conversation. This is a fun and powerful process that will connect you with your ideal clients so you can recognize them when you meet…and your network will be able to find them for you too.
Integration: Taking this material forward. Your Natural Way is a lifelong process that will help you to enjoy your business and your life – you won’t want to stop!

How much will it cost?
£125 pcm for 6 months (£750 in total)
Payment plans available – please enquire with Nicola as below
Course starts Monday 11th June

What to do next?
If you are interested or curious about this particular format of Your Natural Way to get clients™, click here to read a more in depth description, or email Nicola, and she will arrange for you to have a chat with one of our leaders to discuss how appropriate this product may be for you, and to answer any questions you may have. We speak to every potential participant for this course, as we like to make sure that they are going to be suited to the material, so that we can maintain our guarantee of you growing your business by 100% while you are working with us.


The team at
Your Natural Way

Monday 4 June 2007

No Rules

I posted this quote on my blog the other day, then realised it is enormously relevant to Your Natural Way.

"Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something." Thomas A Edison

No rules. You can do it your own way. You are trying to accomplish something - getting more of your clients in your own business - what is possible when you throw away the 'should book' the 'must book' and the 'someone else did this book' and make up your own rules?



Friday 1 June 2007

Experiments cannot fail

One of the key concepts of Your Natural Way to Get Clients (TM) is Experimentation. How can you know what is Your Natural Way if you do not experiment? Through experimentation I discovered that going to Networking events in order to give my card to hundreds of people and be very serious and sensible is NOT my Natural Way. I learnt that going to interesting events for themselves, and meeting people as an added bonus, building relationships and having a laugh IS my Natural Way.

I would never have discovered the second piece if I had not experimented - with different networking groups/events, with my intentions, with my behaviour. Funnily enough, when I put on the 'Coach-suit' (pants outside my trousers, bizarre 'serious' attitude), I am not attractive (even to me!). When I am myself - who happens to be a coach as well, I am very attractive. (and more comfortable, and have more fun...bonus!) Again, discovered by experimentation.

Scientists know that an experiment cannot fail - Thomas Edison captured this truth in this quote "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Each 'failed' experiment gives the scientist more information about how things do not work...which then leads them inexorably to what DOES work. What will you experiment with today?



Tuesday 29 May 2007

Just Zac

And the wise 3yr old turned round to his Dad and said:
‘No, I am just Zac’

This got his father (who was a coach), thinking.
How many of us are simply ourselves?
How powerful would it be if all of us were simply ‘just Zac’?

Here endeth the lesson!

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Someone else's shoes

In 'You Can Have What You Want' by Micheal Neill, there is a little experiment:

"I'd like you to put the book down and swap shoes with the person nearest you. Now, if you're in the bath, or reading this all alone in the middle of nowhere, I understand that might be alittle bit difficult. But, otherwise, go for it. Take off your shoes, go up to the person nearest you and ask them to swap.


OK, let's talk about it.

Nobody questions the fact that our feet are different from other people's feet. Different size, different shape, different appearance. There may be people you know with similar feet, but no one with identical ones to yours. And the reason you almost certainly didn't do what I just asked you to do (and if you did, for goodness sake swap back!) is because you understood immediately that it was ridiculous. The chances of someoneelse's shoes fitting your style and taste (or, more importantly,your feet) were as slim as a pair of single E loafers. Yet to them, their shoes might be the most wonderful shoes in the world- comfortable, practical, attractive, and with great memories attached as well.

What's less obvious to most of us is that the same principle holds true of our beliefs and practices in the world. Setting goals, meditating for thirty minutes twice a day, doing the latest diet, or practicing yoga might be as painful,uncomfortable and inappropriate for you as trying to squeeze into your favorite movie star's underwear - but you might still try to do it because it looks so good on them!

What if you don't need to do things someone else's way in order to live a happy, successful life? What if everything you've ever learned about success was just wrong?"

What if you had Your Natural Way, and that was your route to success?



Tuesday 22 May 2007

Doing What Feels Right

I have a nice trap for myself - 'doing it right' versus 'doing what feels right'. Because I spent so many years believing the 'experts' - there is a 'right' way to do things, and they know what it is - I find myself falling back into that 'old' belief that they know best.

Something that I KNOW works is to do what feels right. Something that I know doesn't work is to 'do it right' according to someone else. No matter how expert someone is, no matter how much you respect them, no matter how experienced they are, no one knows you better than you do.

Remember to take what they know AND what you know about you and merge the two - then you get to learn from them, and still live life your own way.

Much love


Wednesday 16 May 2007

To Thine own Self be True

I received an e-mail yesterday with this in it:

"As the Bard said, "to thine own self be true". So why do we waste valuable time wishing we were otherwise when we have everything we need? "

Excellent question! Anyone got an answer?



Tuesday 15 May 2007

What ‘The Secret’ Doesn’t Tell You; What do I really want?

What ‘The Secret’ Doesn’t Tell You; What do I really want?

1. What do I really want? One of the toughest questions on the planet. In order to implement the Secret I need to know what to ask for. There are two branches from this starting point. One is the personal, inside of myself, branch that responds to questions like, “what would you gladly pay 20% of your annual salary to have for yourself?” The other branch is the more traditional reflex to the question and moves the mind to ‘things’ like money, car, house, etc.
a. One way to approach this question is to start with a simple list of what I think I want. I, for instance, want my dream retirement house in a good weather location. In thinking about that I ‘want’ more money to enable me to pay for it. In thinking about that money part I ‘want’ more ways to earn and to do so fairly quickly. In thinking about that, I, in turn ‘want’ not just more clients but some new ways to generate revenue that don’t limit me so, for instance, don’t require me to be present (sell my book, internet selling, things that let me make money in my sleep (so called, passive income streams))
b. But back up here, what is driving the ‘want’ of that house? The question turns around into, “when I have that, what will it do for me?”. My answer is that it will allow me to live outdoors more than I do now, to have more time to enjoy my hobbies, to have more time with my children and grandchildren. Here I note that the driver of it all is in fact on branch one, and that there are branch two items to be attended to along the way to having all that I say that I want. This delightfully also opens up avenues to have at least some of those things on branch one, before I get the actual house.
c. The Secret tells us that the ultimate goal is the one to focus on. Let the Universe deal with the ‘how’ and just concentrate on the ‘what’. So my job becomes one of generating the advance memory of the experience of enjoying my perfect retirement home located in the perfect location. But wait, it’s not the home and location, it is what those do for me. So it is to live outdoors more than I do now, to have more time to enjoy my hobbies, to have more time with my children and grandchildren. Ah yes. By having peeled the onion back some and exploring both branches the ‘what do I really want’ question gets answered better and with both a feeling component and a doing component. The feeling I anticipate while I put my mind ‘in the perfect result’ is not the feeling of being in a certain house but rather of having those grandkids join me outside to share some of my hobbies. Both components are needed in order to manifest what I want. When I get myself well connected to the experiential feeling of the perfect result the gratitude I sense now is strongest. Gratitude is the fertile soil of the Law of Attraction. We are getting somewhere. JOne important noticing around all of this is that having set my intentions an amazing thing happened. My concern with the money has all but evaporated. We spoke with our financial advisor who explained how at this point in time sitting mortgage free in Nova Scotia is not as advantageous as sitting with a mortgage in southern BC. Well! That took us from 18 or 24 months to we can move right now. The Secret in action.

Joseph (part one of a six part series)

my annual crocus poem (Module 5 in action for me)

Spring 2007

Blue sky, dull grass, new birds
They all come together my place
Big lungs, wide eyes, thought girds
Am looking all ways for that trace

Rake leaves, sweep walk, clear branch
Smelling the fresh that is Spring
Wond’ring, what might, be chance
Of finding that wonderful thing

Oh there, bright green, fine spot
Removing the old foliage cover
Old stuff, mat wet, Wint’ rot
Lifting the sheet like a lover

Tis it, not one, lots more
Bravely stand ready their gift
In clumps, mult’plied, ga-lore
That always oh heart mine uplift

Just flow’r, small one, no vase
Leave it in the ground there forever
Leave it, love it, good place
Enjoy it’s design oh so clever

The crocus
The crocus
Up out of the ground
The crocus
The crocus
None better is found


Monday 14 May 2007

Created by Merlin?

With all the effort that must have gone into creating someone as wonderful as you, it seems a terrible shame to be wasting even a part of the finished product. I imagine myself being created by a magician (like Merlin) who is dancing around a gold cauldron with silver steam, talking to himself “a pinch of passion, a dash of humour…oops my hand slipped, lots of humour! Okay, I’ll leave out any sensibility – there’s no room with all that fun. Now, a spoon of genius, a handful of enthusiasm…”

What ingredients went into the creation of you? What was the unique combination of characteristics that made you? Who created you – was it a mad magician, an all powerful God, an all seeing Universe? Picture how you were created – see how much love and joy went into that creation of you.

And just in case your Creator forgot to tell you…welcome to the world – we’ve been waiting for you. Your natural way? It’s what you were created for.



Friday 11 May 2007

How do You tell What is Working?

There are times when 'what is working' is not so obvious - in fact, sometimes it feels like nothing is working at all! However, there is always something that is working, and often it is the criteria that you use that are not working. For example, I have a horrible habit of making my 'it's working' criteria about more money. So, if I make 5p less one month, suddenly nothing is working? Not quite true...and a very narrow view of 'what is working'.

Finances are important to a business, of course they are. But they are not EVERYTHING.
There are also many others aspects of the business - for me, success is money + joy + service + growth + quite a few other things now I think about it. So even if the money isn't working, what is working? I left money out of my answer today, and here's what's working when I forget about the cash:
- I am LOVING what I am doing
- Blogging and writing newsletters is fun and easy
- the help I get from other people with my business
- what I do is working really well for me and my clients
- I am meeting people
- I am deepening connections with people
- I am totally connected to service
- there are lots of potential opportunities in all directions

Okay, so I am not earning £64 million this month...but there's still a lot of stuff working!

What is working for you?



Wednesday 9 May 2007

Your Natural Way Nugget No 3

‘There is only one way, and it’s your natural way’

So, begin to notice where you give up your way for the way that works for others.
Find just one, and then morph it to a way that is more natural to you.
And bingo, your natural way is growing!

Tip: Where you find life difficult, is often a place where you might be following other people’s ways, as opposed to your own.

Oh… congratulations on the continued discovery of your natural way!!!

Your Natural Way

Thursday 3 May 2007

Last chance to take the teleclass for £75

Our next teleclass on 'Your Natural Way to Get Clients' begins next week.

Wednesday 5pm GMT - this is the 8 module teleclass delivered over 16 weeks.

And for the last time, this course is being offered at the BARGAIN price of £75. From June, the course fee will be going up to £95 per course (still a bargain!).

Why would you want to take this class?

You’ve got your training, you are ready to start…and waiting for that steady stream of clients to come knocking at your door…

There are so many great coaches out there with too few clients – are you one of them? All the coaching training in the world does not prepare you for the reality of ‘getting clients’. Here you are with all these skills…and now you also need marketing and sales skills too.

But which way should you jump? The more research you do, the more confusing this sales and marketing stuff looks – and some of it just looks so painful! Networking, elevator speeches, getting 20 ‘no’s… Somehow the things you’ve tried just don’t feel like ‘you’.

Don’t worry, you are not alone. And that is why we at Your Natural Way™ have developed a course that will help you to effectively use your business’s best asset – YOU! Led by world-class coaches, you will discover Your Natural Way to get clients™ in a fun, supportive, dynamic environment.

If you would like to sign up for this class, e-mail, and if you would like more information, go to

Hope to see you on the course next week!



Wednesday 2 May 2007

Sharing what is working

Here at your Natural Way we work to a simple principle:
‘Notice what’s working’ (and then repeat!!!!)
So from now on I would love the YNW blog to be a place where people come and share what is working

I find there are too many places already where people seem to come together and complain about what is not working in their lives.

Now obviously there are times in life when things don’t work, the skill that we have noticed is that even when they are not working there is always something to be learnt (you could say whats working!!!). So by all means feel free to share the things that have not worked, as long as you also share what you learnt as a result.

Its amazing the different energy that gets created when we simply put all our attention to what’s working…
Give it a go, and share what you learn!!!!

Damien Churton

Monday 16 April 2007

Continuing in Your Natural Way

Here at Your Natural Way Towers, we are happy to answer your questions...and hear how you are getting on with Your Natural Way. The following was part of an e-mail we received from a recent class participant - I asked her permission to share it because I suspect she is not alone in 'not having time' to pursue her Natural Way.

"My natural way is a fog to me at the moment, mainly because I haven’t really been able to go back and look at our class notes." Carole

Here's what I do. I have a notebook full of YNW stuff and what is working right now for me (as well as what’s worked in the past). At the beginning of the book is listed the modules – being myself, beliefs, meeting and connecting, in service of, deepening connection, ripeness, trust and integration. I take a quick look at the headings and see what comes up for me…even in 5 minutes I can uncover a belief, update my natural way of meeting people, or connect with what I ‘know’ and get inspired. On the back page of the book is my ‘personal success formula’ as Joseph calls it – with the characteristics of me when I’m being me etc. So, what is working for you? What is in your personal success formula? (a bee? A good networker? Energised by people?) What module do you feel ‘pulled’ to?

EVERYDAY we are being (or not) our natural selves. Whether we are being natural or not, we can learn from it - we can always be more our natural selves. And Your Natural Way is not about the 'normal' learning environment - it is learning from what is happening in your life - learning about who you are by what you do and how you feel. You don't need time to sit down with your notes, you just need a willingness to NOTICE what is happening.

With much love

PS Do you have a question about Your Natural Way? Please e-mail us.

Friday 6 April 2007

Being Just Me

How do you define yourself? Do you define yourself by what you do? 'I am an accountant/teacher/manager/businessman'. OR do you define yourself by who you are? What sort of person are you? Isn't that truly how to define yourself?

When you define yourself by what you do, what happens when you no longer do that thing? When you retire, or go to work for yourself? Suddenly that very limiting definition of what you do opens out into who you are...and that's such a big change. There's no convenient label to hang on 'me-ness' (well, Donnaonthebeach does it quite well for me...but how will other people know?).

It's a leap, to be sure... And it can be a very scary (or exciting) leap. There is no such thing as 'just' you - you-ness is a huge thing for you to grow into...and boy how attractive when you are 'fully you'.



Saturday 31 March 2007

The Siren's Call

The Siren's Call is a song that lured unwary sailors onto the rocks in mythology. For me, it's the habitual belief that everything has to be hard, which lures me onto the 'rocks' of making things difficult for myself. I've been dashed on the rocks by this belief hundreds of times over my lifetime, and I am only now starting to get a handle on it.

Sometimes, I can even see the sirens before they start to sing, and shove cotton wool in my ears (or look for something more positive to listen to). Many times, I see the sirens just as I am about to reach the rocks...too late! Occasionally, I lie on the rocks, being battered by the tides for a while before I realise what the sirens have done.

Every time I hear the siren's call, I learn more about resisting their my natural way. Which is largely to laugh at it. I know it doesn't help me to make things hard, I know it's counterproductive...and I also know that being hard on myself for being 'taken in' by the siren's call is another manifestation of 'making it hard'. HA! I'm not gonna fall for that one!

How about you? What is your siren's call? What is that belief that always lures you back onto the rocks? We'd love to hear from you.



Tuesday 20 March 2007

What Is Working?

When you are doing your marketing, do you notice what is working? Do you monitor your results? I know it sounds obvious, but I had an epiphany this afternoon - I was sluggishly and begrudgingly doing some marketing when I had a blinding flash of inspiration...does this marketing activity work? Now bear in mind that I have been doing this particular thing for 2 years.

No. It does not work. Not one of my clients has (ever) come from this particular marketing activity! It's a very good idea, I like the structure of it and I know it works for others...but it's not me. It's not my natural way. And it doesn't work! (for me) Oh dear. You'd think that after 2 years I'd be a bit disappointed in myself for not having noticed before but actually I am rather delighted. I don't ever have to do this thing again. And I'm hugely amused that I've kept doing it (begrudgingly) for all this time for no good reason.

If you want to review your marketing activities, here's how I did it (bearing in mind that this is YOUR natural way, this process might not work for you). I listed the marketing activities I take part in - website, networking, newsletters, blogs etc and then I asked is it fun? Is it easy? Is it working? I am only keeping on those activities that tick 2 out of the 3.

So, what's working for you?



Tuesday 13 March 2007

Finding what works best

I came to Your Natural Way by deciding to help Damien with his world vision for improving the client getting ability of the coaching community. His heartfelt, passionate 'dammit this is just plain wrong, all these coaches and all this need in the world and they aren't getting hooked up', stirred me into action. So here I am. And very happy for it. :-)

Monday 12 March 2007

DonnaOnTheBeach - What I love most about YNW

Quite aside from the fact that 'Your Natural Way to get Clients' saved my business life, I love that discovering my natural way is a lifelong process that just gets easier and more fun as time goes by. I love the permission it gives me and others to do things our way - to be who we are even if that doesn't fit with how it 'should' be. I've never been one to follow the herd, and the support and encouragement I've had from the YNW'ers has been immense and life changing.

I love the change that has come over me since YNW discovered me - from a homoge-coach (just like all the rest) with no clients who hated being in business to an authentic leader with clients and opportunities who loves the challenges and growth that arise from building a business. It's been some journey!

I'm looking forward to sharing more of it in this blog...



Friday 9 March 2007


Hi folks!

Welcome to the Your Natural Way blog. Here is a place where we will be exploring what it means to live in your natural way - the easier, more fun and more successful way to live! We will be bringing you our stories, our insights, our news and the fun we've had exploring being 'natural'.

We would love for you to get in touch with us, post comments and enjoy the Your Natural Way blog.

With much love
