Wednesday 29 August 2007

100% Business Growth

Sound good? 100% growth for your business is our guarantee when you join our Your Natural Way to Get Clients small group .

The next group is starting in 2 weeks time with me, Donna (onthebeach) Higton.

I'd love to have you come join us. To find out more, follow the link above, or e-mail me.



Thursday 23 August 2007

I am SO Not Like That

We suggest that the qualities you admire in someone else are qualities that you possess – qualities that are part of your natural self. This is true whatever your reaction to it. The 3 main reactions are:
- oh yeah, I can see that
- hmm, maybe or really? Me? Like that? Wow.
- I’m so not like that!

I always admired Joseph’s calm, peaceful, patient demeanor…and even 3 months ago I was denying that I have any calm, peace, patience in me. I am mayhem in a box…or so I thought. One of my daily practices is to decide who I want to be each day. I pick 3 qualities that I would like to embody. To my astonishment, over the past few months – calm, peaceful, relaxed, and even patient have made it into that top 3…regularly.

But I’m not calm, peaceful or patient! Wrong. I am. That was just a side of my personality I hadn’t allowed ‘out’ before. The clue was always there – I admired these qualities in others…but couldn’t see them in me. Now I can I am so proud that the chaotic side of my personality is counterbalanced by this lovely peaceful, calm and patient self. It still feels like ‘it’s not me’…to my rational mind. My soul, however, recognises this part only too well. And always did.

What part of you are you denying? If you were to acknowledge that you are like that, how would that feel?



Wednesday 22 August 2007

Maybe They Won't Like Me

Unusually today, this is a crossover post between my own blog, and the Your Natural Way blog. This is a central idea to the Your Natural Way philosophy...and to my philosophy that 'Life's a Beach'. Your Authentic, Natural, True self is your best self.

People often worry that if they expose their real self, other people won't like them. And that would be bad. It is a really common misconception, and I'm not entirely sure where it comes from (possibly the skool daze, where anything different had other kids pointing and laughing!).

But here's what I know from working with hundreds of people to be more authentic in life and business:
- authentic people are a heck of a lot more likeable than those who wear a mask
- there is a certain energy around authentic, natural people that other people like
- everyone wants more authenticity, so the more natural you are, the more other people seem to gravitate towards you
- when you are being your most natural, authentic self, you don't really care what other people think.
- If someone doesn't like the 'real' you, it's ok...we're not all compatible with one another. When you are natural, and someone else doesn't like that, you are happy to let them get on with it - knowing that you are being your best self.
- being yourself gives other people permission to do the same around you, and that is the greatest gift you can give.

Don't worry that people might not like the 'real' you - trust me, YOU will like yourself a whole lot more when you stop pretending to be someone else.



Monday 20 August 2007

The Book of Me

Do you keep a 'Book of Me'? A book where you detail who you are - your natural self. All the parts that make up the inventory of you. The benefit of this is that you can look at this at any time and see how 'you' you are being. You will also see that you are enormously complicated and fabulously simple! You are a mass of contradictions. And somehow, these ingredients mix together perfectly to make...


Run that inventory today and check that you are using all the ingredients that make up the very best you, and if you're not...start mixing some of the less used ones into the mix.

Now, won't that feel better?



Friday 17 August 2007

Another Course End...

Our teleclass course is a funny thing - it's just 8 modules over 16 weeks, but I still get enormously attached to each group! The final class is just amazing - where we look at the growth people have gone through over the past 4 months.

This week saw the final class of the latest group, and I want to say thank you to the participants of this group, once again, you have all been wonderful and it is a beautiful thing to see you blossoming into that magnificent being that you truly are. As ever, it had me completely choked up, with my heart broken wide open with joy.

And if you want to know what I'm on about, why not come take the YNW to Get Clients course with us?

Much love


Wednesday 15 August 2007

My Own Special Creation

"I am what I am, I am my own special creation" - Gay anthem for the past 20 years, and in my opinion, one of the most empowering songs ever written. Go Gloria (Gaynor)

"Life ain't worth a dam, til you can shout out I am what I am"

Do you own your magnificence this much? Do you see what a special creation you've made? Do you know just how wonderful you are? It's time to own it, and say "I am what I am".

And that's just great!



Tuesday 14 August 2007

Stop Trying to Impress

Are you trying to impress someone else? Do you want to 'show' them? How can you possibly be yourself when you are busy trying to impress?

Your Natural Self is THE most impressive you there is. There's no one like you anywhere else on earth. You're it. Unique. Magnificent. You. If you truly live that, you will never need to impress anyone ever again because they will be dazzled by you anyway (or not...but if not, it won't matter because you are yourself!).



Monday 13 August 2007

Giving Away your Power

I had an e-mail last week from Andrea Lee about how we give away our power by blindly following a 'guru'. Remember that there is a 'right' way - a right way for you. And a right way for her. And a right way for him. And a right way for them. All these 'right way's might be similar...but each one will be unique to the person the way is for.

Remember that you are the one who is the expert on you. Other people may know a lot about marketing, business, sales and wealth...but you are the only one who can interpret it for your world. Don't give your power to a 'guru', listen to said 'guru' and make up your own mind. Trust me, you are a lot more powerful than you think.



Friday 10 August 2007


I hereby give you permission to be yourself.


The Team at Your Natural Way

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Inattention or over attention?

Any gardeners among you will know that plants need a certain amount of care - they do not need to be watched 24/7, and at the other extreme, if you completely leave them alone they may die, disappear, be swallowed up by weeds or turn into a triffid! There is a lovely sweet spot in the middle where you give them the nurturance they need, the pruning they need to grow as you want them to, and the space and time they need to grow.

Your client garden is the same - constantly heckling someone to become your client is annoying, and leave them alone for 3 years and chances are they will have forgotten about you! Once again, there is a sweet spot - between losing a prospect through over-attention and losing a prospect through inattention, there is the perfect amount of attention to keep them in your garden, growing just as you would like them to.

Are you giving your garden just the right amount of attention?



Tuesday 7 August 2007

How Much do You Experiment?

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." said Ralph Waldo Emerson. As it applies to all life, it also applies to all business! If what you have is working perfectly, perhaps you have no more need for experimentation. For the vast majority of us, there is still some tweaking to do to get that perfectly working business. How many experiments have you made this week? This month? This year?

Are your experiments bringing you closer to that perfect business? Do you have tried and tested ways of doing what works? Could they be even better? Remember that the nature of experiments is that some of them will not go as you expect - no matter if the result is 'positive' or 'negative' each one is a learning experience and will get you closer to where you want to be...but only if you keep experimenting, changing the factors, evaluating your results.

I once 'experimented' with asking for referrals - with a sample of 3. Funnily enough, the sample wasn't really big enough! When i changed the experiment to a sample of 100, I learned heaps - about my comfort zone in asking for help, about who I wanted referred, about the sort of person who would refer, about the best way to ask for help...and much more. I'm still experimenting with this - and each experiment brings me closer to what works perfectly.

What are you experimenting with today?



Monday 6 August 2007

Asking the wrong people

I've just been chuckling at a forum post in which someone asked a question about what they should do. The first reply told them emphatically to do one thing. The second told them equally emphatically to do exactly the opposite! My post told them to do what felt right for them.

We can always share our experience with others - but there is no right or wrong way in your business...there is just the way that works for you. I have read many many many books on 'how to' grow your business. The one that worked? None of them. What worked was doing it my way - taking some bits from each book (those that I chucked in the bin, I took 'don't do it that way'!) and making my own 'growth plan'.

Other people can help you to find your long as you remember that the one who really knows what works for you is you.



Wednesday 1 August 2007

The Magic Mix

Do you know everything that you do to get more business? Are you aware of everything that contributes to Your Natural Way to Get Clients? When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING - including those things you do that are not necessarily business activities. Take exercise for example - I have noticed over the past 3 years that when I am physically active, my mind is clearer and I can work better.

When I am having fun in my 'personal' life, this tips over into my business life because I am more relaxed, laugh more easily and I notice I have some of my best business ideas when I am not at my desk! If you are not already, start to become aware of everything that contributes to Your Natural Way to get clients - just as everyone has their own strengths and ideas, everyone has a unique combination of activities that together are the 'magic mix'.

What is your Magic Mix?

