Monday 31 March 2008

Don't Follow the Herd

Doing things Your Natural Way means that you will be striking out on your own sometimes. While 'everyone else' is busy being 'everyone else', you will be doing something different, being you. Being You. Your Way. In your life and in your business.

So don't worry about what the herd are doing - they couldn't be you if they tried so you will be out on your own sometimes. Let them do what they are doing, and be yourself.



Thursday 27 March 2008

100th post!!!

Wow - 100 posts! It's a milestone. Thank you for being with us and reading this blog - we couldn't do it without you!

So, as it's post number 100, i thought I would just do a quick reminder about the whole point of Your Natural Way.

Your natural, authentic self is your most compelling self.

And being this natural self will draw business to you. Doing the things that are natural to you will make the whole business of client getting fun and easy.

Experiment with being your natural self in your business and just see what happens.



Tuesday 25 March 2008

A quick test to see if it's working

1. Does it feel good?
2. Are you getting the results you want?
3. Does it feel good?

3 yes's - it's definitely working
2 yes's - maybe there's something that would make it work better
1 yes - what would make this feel good AS WELL AS getting the results you want.

No yes's - why are you doing it again?



Sunday 23 March 2008

The Quest

"The quest for a meaningful life is unending". (This is a quote that I picked up and forgot to acknowledge the author. My apologies!) This is much the same as knowing that the journey of life is what is important, not the conclusion. Though, at the end of my life, I would like to be remembered for my better qualities and deeds :-).

Questing has been an honoured activity for centuries. Looking for the Holy Grail, trolling the seas for hidden treasure, completing tasks that fulfill a dream (as seen in many fairy tales), the Greek myths, finding the treasure buried by the Knights Templar; these are examples of great quests through the ages.

This is what is interesting to me. The 'treasure' that was at the end of the quest transforms as the journey progresses. The quester becomes more self-aware. The outer institutions that seemed to instigate the quest may seem no longer important or seen in a different light. The core of knowing and confidence, the noticing of what worked and what didn't, the building of the questers' natural way of being in the world through the choices they make and the experiences they allow, the determination to be themselves no matter what, the taking of personal responsibility; this is the ever-expanding treasure. This is the beginning, the middle, and the end.

Love,  Barbara

"We shall not cease from exploration and at the end of our exploring will be to arrive back at the beginning, and know the place for the first time." - T.S. Eliot

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Your Natural Clients

So, if you are being fully, completely and wonderfully yourself, who are the people you would love to be working with? Are you working with them right now?

If not, is that because you are not being fully, completely and wonderfully yourself?



Wednesday 12 March 2008

Live Full Out, Change the World

Are you living full out? Are you 100% your natural, joyful, beautiful self?

Did you know if you live full out, you change the world?

Your perception of your world changes, and other people cannot help but be affected by your authentic energy.

Wow, I can feel your starshine over here!



Tuesday 11 March 2008

Our Worst Fear

"Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our Light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous!"
Actually, who are you, not to be!

You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the Glory of God within us.
It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone, and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

- Marianne Williamson (quoted by Nelson Mandala)

How are you hiding your light? What beliefs do you have about standing out in a crowd, about being the best you can be? Are those beliefs true?



Monday 10 March 2008

Your Ripeness Monitor

How do you know if a client is 'ripe'? What factors do you take into account? Or do you try to yank them of the tree before they are ready? Or worse still, leave them on the tree to rot.

Quick, get a piece of paper and jot down 5 things that tell you that someone is ready to work with you or buy your product...go!


PS If you don't 'know', please go to the realm of your imagination...that's what it is for!

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Remember that You have Your Answers

It is really easy to be pulled off track by 'other people' - you know, those 'other people' who know it all, who've been there, done that, and worn the t-shirt. But is the t-shirt one that you would wear? Is the t-shirt worn in a style that works for you? Or are you going to be out there in costume, feeling inauthentic, and not taking the 'right' action and feeling like a failure?

There's a simple test. Are you doing it in Your Natural Way, or their natural way? I know lots of people who've filled their business through networking, speaking, being very bee-ish and contacting people. It never worked for me! What worked for me was going about my business, working on myself, and writing.

Trust that you know exactly what to do...and then go do it! Learn from my mistakes - i tried everyone else's way first, then came back (after 2 years, I'm a slow learner!) and did what I knew to do in the first place!



Monday 3 March 2008

Check your Intention

What is your intention for your business? What is your intention for this week? This month? This year? Is that intention consistent? Or do you start the month intending to attract 10 clients, and end the month intending 1? What happens to your intention as time goes by? Does it remain crystal clear or does it get cloudy?

Check your intentions regularly. By the way, your results will tell you if your intention is crystal clear or not. Remember, no judgement, no blame - it's just data!

