Friday 29 February 2008

A Transformative Leap

2008 is a Leap Year.
Why not make a Transformative Leap this year?
Leap from ‘learning’ about yourself into ‘discovering’ yourself.

How many times have you learned the same lesson over and over again?
The learning curve, the plodding, the baggage attached.

Shift your focus into discovery:
The adventure, the anticipation, the self-awareness.

Which feels lighter?
Learning or discovering?

Practice by changing the word ‘learn’ to ‘discover’ in all your conversations, writing, and thinking. This small step will lead to a great leap into the joy of discovery and the joy of living your life authentically, your natural way.



Wednesday 27 February 2008

Strong Foundations

Excitement! We had an earthquake in the UK last night - hats off to those of you who live in areas of high earthquake activity - earthquakes FREAK ME OUT!

Anyway, it's got me thinking today about strong foundations. And the foundation of Your Natural Way is that you are unique. There is only one of you in all of time. Are you being yourself? Do you know who you are? Who are you?

When you're being fully authentically you, you know it! It feels wonderful. (oh, and it's great for your business too!)



Monday 25 February 2008

Your Natural Way and the Comfort Zone

"A goal or a dream that doesn't challenge the dreamer to become more than they've ever been, to go where they've never gone, or to feel things they've never felt, is actually like wishing for a giant "life snooze button." TUT

Your natural way is not all about staying in your comfort zone. While we want life and business to be easy, and we want to follow the downstream flow of our life, there are those periods of our life where we feel restless, as if we are dissatisfied with someone, something, or everything. By noticing how we are feeling, we can use these feelings as a fertile ground to move forward, to alert us that we are ready to choose the next thing that will not only make us feel good, but may challenge us as we evolve. If cruising feels good, then that is where we can rest for a while. When dissatisfaction and restlessness appear, don’t blame your partner or the weather; take it for the message it is, a ‘heads up’ to reach within to your mind and heart for the next step on your adventure called life.



Wednesday 20 February 2008

Mysterious Beginnings

Taken from the DailyOm

"As any gardener knows, the bulbs that contain the beautiful flowers of spring and summer—daffodils, irises, tulips, gladiolas—cannot bloom until they have endured a period of cold. Held in the dark earth during the frigid winter months, they undergo internal adjustments and changes invisible to our eyes. Like babies gestating in the lightless, watery wombs of their mothers, they are fully engaged in the process of preparing to be born. So many of the greatest mysteries of life begin this way, with a powerful urge for growth enclosed in a small, dark space.

We humans have a tendency to yearn for the light, for the coming of spring, and for the more visible phase of growth that all things express in coming to be. In our love for what we can see with our eyes we sometimes lose patience for, and interest in, the world of darkness that nurtures and protects the seeds, bulbs, and babies of the world for such an important part of their life cycles. It is a perilous and mysterious phase of growth, and one that we have little control over, and perhaps that is why we don’t celebrate it with quite the same passion as we do the lighter and brighter phases of life. Nevertheless, we ourselves endure similar periods of developing in the darkness throughout our lives.

Meditating on the image of a bulb, a seed, or an embryo, can bring us into alignment with the side of our own natures that is like the earth in winter—seemingly asleep but busily attending to details of growth that create the pattern for the children, flowers, and creative expressions to come. Touching down on this place in ourselves, we may feel at once peaceful and activated, utterly still and yet fully creative, quietly in tune with the dark and mysterious beginnings of life.
What do you think?"

How does this relate to your business? What are you missing while you are looking for the spring of your business to come?



Monday 18 February 2008

It Happens for a Reason

Ever had a situation where things didn't go as you planned? Perhaps a seed who doesn't become a client? A course that didn't go ahead? A business venture that went bad ways?

One of the key concepts in Your Natural Way is unattachment - detach from your story about how things 'should' be and what 'should' happen and notice what HAS happened. What is happening? Why is this a good thing? Why might this be the best thing for you?

Sometimes what we think will be the best thing, won't. Imagine for a minute that this is a friendly universe, and this has happened for a good reason. What is good?



Wednesday 13 February 2008

Question Everything

Once you've decided that something is absolutely true (or untrue!), you've closed your mind on it. A closed mind has nowhere to go.

Question Everything.

Is it really true that you can't get the clients you want?

Is it really true that you 'have to' do certain things to get clients?

Is it really true that there are obstacles in your way?Is it really true that marketing is difficult?

What if it wasn't?

What if questioning that 'truth' revealed a greater truth?

That you can do it, that it can be easy, that you can do what you love and get clients.

The 'truth'? Most of your obstacles are put in your way by you!



Monday 11 February 2008

I'm OK and You're OK

I remember in the 60’s or 70’s, during the time of the love/peace movement, a book called I’m OK, You’re OK. I didn’t read it as I was young and knew everything already anyway. But the title stuck with me and over the years, in conjunction with what I was exploring at the time, it would occasionally pop up into my consciousness.

I now think that this is a Truth and certainly, a Truth at Your Natural Way. I am OK and you are OK and everyone is OK in his or her uniqueness and difference.

When I accept this – that I’m OK just as I am in my natural way of being – it allows me to accept the uniqueness and differences in others and to give up comparing and competing in ways that get me nowhere.

It allows me to look at others as individuals with strengths and weaknesses that are as unique to them as mine are to me. It allows me to be open and aware of how my life may be enhanced by a partnership in business, or invention, or life with that other person whose talents complement mine. I could choose to feel ‘less than’, or that I have to ‘prove myself to’, but in knowing that I’m OK just as I am, my choices are different - more open and accepting to what is possible with others.

Such acceptance could stop wars.



Wednesday 6 February 2008

How May I Serve?

I bang on about service quite a lot. Why? Because it is SO important.

I have been staring blankly at a word document today containing a resource for clients that I am creating – it will be an ebook to sell. My mind was like a sieve. No useful information sticking around long enough to use. Until I heard from a client that this information could really help. Suddenly I have all the motivation in the world. Service.

Next time you’re stuck for motivation, ask yourself this ‘how may I serve?’



Monday 4 February 2008

Stop Trying So Hard

I've noticed that when I start 'trying hard', I am not in My Natural Way. You see, Your Natural Way has an ease, a flow to it - it doesn't involve 'trying' (unless the meaning is 'experimenting' or 'trying something out'). Noticing that you are 'trying hard' is a great red flag to show you that you are making life more difficult than it needs to be.

I know that you need clients, you need them now, and 'trying hard' is the default way to do it. But is it working? Chances are the answer is 'no' or 'not too well'.

So where can you stop trying so hard and find the ease and flow of Your Natural Way?

